
European Teqball Tour

European Teqball Tour

Naples (Italy)

Teqball is the world's fastest growing sport and is attracting a new generation of athletes and amateur enthusiasts whose ambition is to develop their technical skills, concentration and stamina. It was created in Hungary in 2012 and is a truly gender-equitable game, as the rules define that teqball shall be played between two (singles) or four players (doubles), irrespective of gender. It is a definitely worth enjoying sport! The European Tour 2022 stops in Naples...
FITEQ - Fédération Internationale de Teqball - relies on Videe for the technical production of the European Tour 2022 in Naples. We provide our OB Truck HD12 featuring 9 cameras: cabled and RF cameras, steadicam, jimmy jib, on tripod cameras for the referees, standard and long lenses, EVS XT3 and Nano, commentary position, double graphic station on board, power generator and complete technical crew. The event is live streamed on FB.
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